Selecting the advertising client

1) You need to decide how you are going to set up your creative team. You must work with other people on the project and this can be as a pair or a three.  It is up to you which members of the team take responsibility for what role (eg art director, copywriter, digital manager, media planner etc)

2) Once you have decided on you team you need to look at the 6 companies who have committed to the project. Do some initial research into there products, on line profile and market position.

3) You now need to decide on the three that interest you the most and come up with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice preference. For each of you preferences you should now complete a more detailed research in order to build a profile of the products and organisation. Here are some ideas:

  1. Their market position
  2. Their online presence
  3. Current image, branding and advertising
  4. The product offer
  5. You should also look at some initial audience research

 By Friday the end of Barney's third lesson of the week you need to have submitted you research and your brief will then be allocated on the basis of your research.


You should now have completed a blog post for each or the 5 pass criteria for the course.  Your task now is to organise all of the information for you case study research and analysis into a powerpoint, keynote or prezi. Please use the following advice to help you:

1) P2,3 and 5 have a merit or distinction criteria attached - use the grid in the unit outline to make sure you are meeting these.

2)  Make at least 3 slides for each task/area or research or analysis (P1-5).This is 15 or more slides. 

3) Think carefully about the information that you put on the slide (show to the potential audience) and what information you put in the speakers note (to be delivered orally). Often it is  best to put less information on the screen so the viewer is not overwhelmed and can digest the point you are making. Look at the wiki how to help you.


P4: Understanding how advertising is distributed and promoted

1) For your chosen print advertising campaign try to find out where and how it was distributed:

Can you find out which magazines, newspapers and other publications your adverts appeared in?

Can you find out if the adverts were displayed on outdoor advertising sites?
you might find the glossary of terms from the Outdoor Advertising Association of America useful)

Try and make some assesment of the 'reach' of your case study campaign?  was it local, regional, national, international?

Can you find out how much it cost to buy advertising space in the publications and locations where you advertising case study has appeared.

2) Can you find what cross media presence you campaign had?  How was social media and other platforms used to create community of develop the product/campaigns reach?

P5/M3: ASA - Legal and Ethical issues

Advertising is regulated by the ASA, you need to demonstrate your understanding of your advert by analysing:

a) The advert’s impact and effect on the audience - This can come from your audience research grid and any information you find online

b) Relevant issues of representation - What representational issues does your advert have? If any? How could the different audicences read the advert? 

c) Relevant legal and/or ethical issues - Are there any ethnical issues surrounding the advert? What legal issues may there be? 

d) Role of relevant regulatory bodies - Who regulates the advertising industry? How do they do this? What role do they play? 

Your analysis of your chosen advert should demonstrate a good understanding of how legal and ethical constraints impact on the advert.You need to relate the legal and ethical issues analysed for the chosen advert to the role that the relevant regulatory bodies play in upholding guidelines and regulations. (This may mean contrasting your chosen advert with ones where there has been an issue/complaint. You can then identify the reasons why you feel there have been no complaints about your chosen advert.) 


Advertising agencies should cary out research into the campaigns that they are launching.  This is to make sure that audiences read the advert in the desired way. The advert may be complex and have multiple readings and so a cross section of the audiences may need to be sampled.  

Perhaps Don and Stan from mad men should have spent some more time on audience research before conducting this pitch for a dream Hawaiian holiday.  As you watch try to think about what the advert says to you. 

Here are some useful terms:  Intended reading,  preferred reading, denotation (what the image is) , connotation (what the image suggests).

You may also like to look at some of the acronyms here and here that advertises and marketing types use to group people together. 

Part 1:

Fill in the grid for your case study advert. 

 Part 2:

Now analyse your the audeince and work out the demographic. Unit 1 LO2 requires you to 'understand the relationship between media products and their target audience', what this means in practice is that you can identify who the target market is for the product being advertised. You need to consider the following areas:

  • Gender - is the product targeting a specific gender? How can you tell this?
  • Age- is the product age specific e.g. a car?
  • Lifestyle - what type of lifestyle will the consumer have? Is the good an everyday item or a luxury good? How will the item enhance the targets audiences lifestyle?
  • Spending power - how much does the product cost? Who has spending power to buy the product?

You may want to consider the demographic groupings which are commonly used, these can be found here.

You should explain what aspects of the product in the advert would appeal to the target audience and what would influence the target audience to use the product. This may mean making links between other people who use the product and the target audience. It could be that the product being advertised is an aspirational product and that part of its appeal is that it is expensive. Equally the product may be more utilitarian and have a mass market appeal and the purpose of the advert is to remind people that it exists and to nudge them into buying it over other brands.


Investigate the media institution that created your chosen advertising campaign. Find out these things about the institutions:

a) ownership:  Who owns the agency? What is the agencies history?

b) operating model:  How big is the agency? Does it have different departments or sections?  How many offices and staff? Who works on each campaign? How have they integrated cross platform and new media?

c) products:  Which clients are in the companies portfolio?  Does the agency specialise in particular work? Does it have clients that are selling similar products?

d) market position:  What are the main competitors for the agency? Is it a global player? What is its turnover and profit?

         e) competitors: What are the main competitors for the agency? Has it merged with other competitions? Does anyone else  cover the same sort of work?


Pick a cross platform advertising campaign from one of the major advertising agencies.   Make sure that it has a print component.  You need to investigate, and analyse:

a) purpose

b) genre

c) form

d) style

e) content

f ) meaning

         g) production process

Complete a detailed annotation of the print advert as well as a 500 word written analysis on the campaign.  use the prompts from task 1 as well as addition information about the cross media components. Use as many of the terms you have been introduced to in the presentation below.

Analyse two adverts

Choose two print advertisements or campaigns. One each of the agencies below. Annotate each looking for the meaning and messages being communicated by the creative elements of the work.

On Agency

Brownstone Design

Look at: 

  • Content
  • Copy
  • Typography
  • Key art 
  • Graphic
  • Colour
  • Layout
  • Branding and logos

Can you answer these questions:

  • What forms and conventions does the advert adopt? 
  • Is there recognisable style to the advert? Can you place it within a genre of adverts?
  • What does the advert say about the product? What is the purpose of the the advert? What is its meaning?
  • Who is the advert targeted at? (target audience)
  • What is the advert trying to get the audience/consumer to do? 
  • What frequency do you think is needed to make this campaign work?
  • What processes do you think were involved in it’s production?

Unit 11 - Client draft

As part of the scriptwriting unit you need to submit a client draft, this should document should be your shooting script with the addition of the treatment for the documentary as the first page. 

As this is a written document you need to check carefully for typing errors, spelling mistake and the correct use of capital letters. 

You should make sure that you have done the following:

  • Made sure that each scene is correctly numbered
  • Inserted camera directions and shot type - this should be clearly indicated
  • Checked for typing and spelling errors
  • Included the treatment as the front page