Point Break Sound Mix write-up

1) Export your work and upload to Youtube. Embed the clip onto a new blog post.

2) For your own reference explain how you export (what settings etc).

3) Explain what the projects was and for your own reference explain how to make a 'Sequence from a clip' in Premiere.

4) Take a screenshot of your sequence - make sure the sequence is big enough to show your pen tool marks on the audio clips.

5) Evaluate the process - how does the final piece sound to you? What could be improved and how? Which bits are you most please with?

Napoleon Scans and Storyboards 21/10/13

Napoleon Dynamite - write up

After each project we will ask you to 'write up' the process explaining the process you went through. We'll also ask to you to evaluate your own work and think how it could be improved.

Completing this write up will help cement the learning and make you think about what you have taken from the project and what you could do differently to improve.

1) Start a new blog post "Napoleon Dynamite Sequence". Explain what the challenge of the project was.

2) Upload the original footage (it should be small enough of a file to upload straight onto the blog).

3) Briefly talk about the storyboarding process - state how you went about it, what you think went well and what could be improved. (We'll scan your storyboard in so you can upload it later.)

4) Write about the filming process:
How was it working in a team? Who's documentation did you use and why? What problems did you face when filming? If you were shooting again what would you do differently?

5) Take a screen shot of you Project Window, upload it and explain your organisation system for your clips.

6) Embed your final project from Youtube.

7) Compare and contrast FOUR corresponding shots from the original with your own version and talk about any differences and how they could be corrected if you re filmed OR what shots were successful and how you managed it. (You don't have to mention the obvious casting issues (gender etc.)

For instance:

The main differences between the composition of the shots is the original is shot against a wall and the lighting is different. Apart from that we were pleased with the camera distance and framing. This is a mid-shot/two shot shooting both character from thigh heigh upwards each facing 90ª from the camera which gives it at flat look. This took clear direction from our camera operator (Luke) in terms of where we should stand.