Analyse two adverts

Choose two print advertisements or campaigns. One each of the agencies below. Annotate each looking for the meaning and messages being communicated by the creative elements of the work.

On Agency

Brownstone Design

Look at: 

  • Content
  • Copy
  • Typography
  • Key art 
  • Graphic
  • Colour
  • Layout
  • Branding and logos

Can you answer these questions:

  • What forms and conventions does the advert adopt? 
  • Is there recognisable style to the advert? Can you place it within a genre of adverts?
  • What does the advert say about the product? What is the purpose of the the advert? What is its meaning?
  • Who is the advert targeted at? (target audience)
  • What is the advert trying to get the audience/consumer to do? 
  • What frequency do you think is needed to make this campaign work?
  • What processes do you think were involved in it’s production?