Unit 46 AUDIO-VISUAL PROMOS - Music Video analysis

LO1 for this unit requires you to demonstrate an understanding of audio-visual promos. To do this you need to do the following:

Produce 3 written analysis of 3 different music videos, this means different bands/artists and different genres of music. These should each be at least 750 words long and must have screen grabs from the video to illustrate your points. You can produce these analysis in Word, Pages, InDesign or Photoshop. 

Your analysis must comment on the following:

Purpose - What is the purpose of the video? Is it to promote an album or single? Is it to help reinvent the image of a particular band of artist? 

Form - What form does the video take? Is it animated or live action? Is it meant to look like a film? Is it a narrative, abstract or performance based video? 

Content - What do we see in the video? What images are used? How much of the band/artist do we see? (Connotation)

Meaning - What do the images mean? How has it been edited to generate meaning? How does the juxtaposition of images create meaning? 

Genre - What genre of music does the artist/band produce? How does the video use the conventions associated with the genre e.g. Indie bands playing instruments etc...?

Intended audience - Who is the intended audience for this video? How can you tell? Link this to content, genre and purpose. 

You will have analysed at least 2 music videos in class and can use 1 of these as 1 of your 3 videos. If you are stuck you can find music videos here and here. A video explanation of Andrew Goodwins theory is here http://youtu.be/4F7vgJkM0rc 

You must complete this and email the files a pdf's to boram@longroad.ac.uk and twoodcock@longroad.ac.uk by Wednesday 11th March!