UNIT 11 - Genre and target audience research task

In order to demonstrate research into other screenplays you need to make a short presentation using PowerPoint or Keynote that discusses how a film or television programmes genre and target audience can influence a screenplay. Your presentation should include the following slides:

  • Title slide
  • Choice of TV programme or film (Should be contemporary e.g. within last 8 years), include a short summary of what it is. This may include how long the show ran for? What genre the series or film is etc...
  • You should find an interview with the films writer online. Read it or watch it and either pick out key quotes or embed the video in the presentation. Please remember to list the source. 
  • What themes are present in the film/TV programme? How are this typical or not of the genre? 
  • Who is the target audience for the film/TV programme? How can you tell? 
  • Summary of key points.