You've created your character, thought out your idea, storyboarded the key scenes and opening now we have to get down to the finer details such as:

Production schedule
Ethical and legal considerations

Yes you must decide who is going to be the voice of your character.

Name of character from the series

Personality of character

Type of vocal performance required - 3 qualities

Dream casting - if budget or availability was not a consideration who would be your dream choice + REASON FOR YOUR CHOICE. Once you've chosen mention what they've been in that we'd know.

Cheaper Alternative - look through the articles on voice casting and see who would fit your show. Look around, think who would be a good choice rather than the more high profile choice 
+ REASON FOR YOUR CHOICE. Once you've chosen mention what they've been in that we'd know.

Places to research on voice actors:
This whole site is great but click here and you'll find loads of cartoons characters and details on who the voice actor was and here for a list of some of the most successful

How to present this - you can write it straight on the blog. Or do in Pages in a chart (go on, it will look nice). Whatever you choose - INCLUDE IMAGES!!!!!!

A question that will be asked is "do I have to do this for all the cast" - the answers is NO, but if you want to get a good mark every chance to show your creativity and understanding of the media world should be grabbed.