Importance of shapes
Curved and circular shapes are considered the friendliest as they have no sharp or dangerous corners. Circular shapes in nature has a tendency of being soft and harmless and evoke likable characters. Many of the most well-known protagonists are designed around circular concepts  (Solarski 2012:180). 

Square-like shapes relate to straight vertical and horizontal lines that communicate strength, stability and confidence. Squares can both be large and daunting or comforting and clumsy. They often depict steadfast characters who are dependable and are commonly used for superheroes or the heavy (Bancroft 2006:34). 

Triangles relate to diagonal and strong, angular lines and are the most dynamic of the three shapes. Bad guys and villains are often based upon dominant triangular concepts, as they appear malicious, sinister and communicate with the most aggression (Bancroft 2006:35). It is the circle's most opposing shape and often used for antagonists. 

The shape of one single character has the ability to visually communicate on its own, but the visual communication becomes even stronger when placed in relation to another character: A small character that is juxtaposed with a big character will make them seem even bigger and smaller. When creating opposing characters, or a team, it is important that they look good together; by creating a contrast in proportions and body shape it is possible to create visual interest while also revealing something about the character's personality (Bancroft 2006:132).