Now is the time to ensure you have worked in the correct manner and created the right amount of evidence.

All your footage must be logged on the appropriate forms.
All your footage must be labelled correctly and you must have a screenshot of your project window in Premiere proving this. Put this screenshot on your blog and explain your labelling system.

Booking forms
Do you have a signed (by Nick or Dave) A/V Booking form for every time you took a camera out? 

Work books
Have you an entry for every lesson you have worked on this project since the 13th of January outlining what you intended to do that lesson and what you managed to achieve.

Work schedule
On the week planner have you updated when you were filming and when you were editing? This is a working document so feel free to create different versions and have a lot of amendments.

After Effects
Take a screenshot of your final AE projects for each of you effects - post this onto your blog and write underneath the process your took to create the effect - THIS IS IMPORTANT AS IT MEANS YOU CAN REPEAT THE PROCESS IF NECESSARY OR REFINE IT.

Project 1 Folder
Is your folder order and organised or have you got footage in loads of different folders?

Appraising the Rough Cut

There are three aspects of your to your project to consider - audio, special effects and the overall quality of the sequence. Write your response to the following using screenshots of your rough cut to illustrate your points.

List the strengths and weakness for the dialogue, sound FXs and the music.
What aspects do you intend to improve and how?

Special Effects
List the strengths and weakness for effects in terms of technical quality, authenticity and how they fit into the narrative.
What aspects do you intend to improve and how?

List the strengths and weakness for effects in terms set dressing, acting, composition, editing.
Does the narrative make sense? Does the action flow? Is it entertaining?
What aspects do you intend to improve and how?