A . Using the extract from the short story above as your starting point, imagine what a film based on this passage might be like. 

On your blog, write a 250-word pitch for your movie idea.


Keep it simple – hit the basic beats of the story:

1)     HERO - Who are you rooting for – who is the hero/protagonist(s)?

2)     SITUATION - What situation are they in at the beginning of the story?

3)     NEW OPPORTUNITY -What new opportunity presented to them (kicks story into gear) ?

4)     GOAL - What ultimate goal/visible finish line are they trying to pursue by the end? 

5)     CONFLICT - What is the conflict – what makes achieving that goal impossible? 

You can adapt the story as faithfully or as loosely as you like, although there should be at least some links with your pitch and the original extract.

B . #TWEETPITCH - distill your idea down into a 140 character tweet and post that to your blog also!