Today's production meeting will be a review of your animatic. On your blog, consider the following prompts and what do the answers tell you about the production of your planned sequence:

1. SHOT LENGTH - Average shot length in Hollywood is now 2.5 seconds, i.e. shots are held on average for two and a half seconds before cutting to the next. That means for a two-minute sequence you would expect to have on average around 48 shots. What is the average shot length (ASL) of your sequence. If it is over 3 seconds you need to look at breaking up your scenes into more shots, with cutaways and faster paced shot-reverse shots.

2. CAMERA MOVEMENT - If the camera isn't moving then you need to ensure that your static shots are well-composed and have enough visual interest to hold the viewer's attention. Does the animatic/storyboard show enough consideration of shot composition

3. SOUND LEVELS - Does the audio mix of the sequence work? Can you hear dialogue clearly over ambient noise and/or music? Is the recording of the dialogue competent, with enough blank space at the beginning and end to make the clip work in the mix?

4. VOICE ACTING - This is the first time you will have heard your scripted dialogue spoken aloud. Does it work? Do the lines sound convincing? Is the voice acting convincing or will you need more time to rehearse or even find new voice talent?

5. VFX - Is it clear from the animatic where and when the three visual effects sequences will occur?

6. PEER FEEDBACK - What issues did other people not familiar with your script raise when watching the animatic? Did the sequence make sense? Hold their interest? If not, why not?