Unit 41 - Risk assessment

'A risk assessment is not about creating huge amounts of paperwork , but rather about identifying sensible measures to control the risks in your workplace.' - http://www.hse.gov.uk/risk/controlling-risks.htm 

For your film production you need to produce risk assessments for the locations you intend to film in (your workplace), these should indicate any hazards that you may face and how you intend to control the risks you face. You need to produce documents that indicate the risks and how these will be managed. A template is here:

As with a recce report the Location manager is in charge of health and safety on a shoot http://creativeskillset.org/job_roles_and_stories/job_roles/2943_location_manager_film

Unit 41 - Recce report

The recce report is an important document as it indicates that you have planned your shoot and are aware of issues that may arise whilst shooting in a particular location. Its purpose is to obtain information about a location by visual observation, this observation should then be recorded in a document that can be shared amongst a film crew. It should include the following information:

  • The name of the location
  • The physical location - This can be marked on a map
  • A description of the location - This should include information about sound, lighting and accessibility issues e.g opening times
  • Pictures of the location - Ideally these would be taken at the proposed time of shooting
  • A floor plan or map of the location - This can mark out where you are thinking of filming from

Within the industry a location manager would often undertake this role http://creativeskillset.org/job_roles_and_stories/job_roles/2943_location_manager_film

Unit 41 - Set design

You need to produce examples of set design for your film production. This should be a visual representation of what you expect the finished project to look like. As with a fictional film production you have to control what the film looks like and consider how the setting can generate meaning for the audience. Your set design should include the following:

  • Photos/drawings of what you hope the sets for each scene will look like 
  • Photos/drawings of the locations that you hope to use
  • Written explanation of what you the overall look of the film to be

A detailed outline of what a Production Designers job is can be found at http://creativeskillset.org/job_roles_and_stories/job_roles/737_production_designer

Unit 41 - Storyboard

You need to produce a hand drawn storyboard for your production. This will be about 20+ frames that outline how you intend to shoot your documentary. It will include a clear idea of how you intend to frame certain interview subject as well as the type of cut away shots you intend to shoot. It is a planning document so there will be changes from your original drawings to the final output.

Examples of how storyboards work can be found here http://www.artistdaily.com/blogs/drawing/archive/2008/07/07/coen-brothers-movies-drawing-storyboards.aspx

Unit 41 - Writing a treatment

Your treatment should be no more than 2 sides of A4 and should be clear to read, well punctuated with subheadings.  It may include a picture if it helps set the mood of the piece.  Your treatment should include:

  • A working title - This can alter from initial idea to finished production
  • A synopsis - This is a short paragraph which explains the key features of the story
  • The themes and concept of the film - What is the film about? What themes will your film deal with? Love, friendship, ambitions, recovery etc...
  • The length and other technical details - This is how long you think the finished production will be and the format that it will be shot in e.g. HD Digital and the sound e.g. stereo sound
  • An outline of the target audience -  This should be more detailed than just the age and gender of your audience, most of your ideas have a broad audience base and this should be considered. Yu can also make links to similar documentaries.  You should also indicate where you hope it will be shown e.g. film festivals, type of cinema, online (which type of sites?)
  • Your contact details